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A brief autobiographical essay. You'll find out more just by browsing the site.
If you want to offer me a job, check this out.
Nothing even vaguely naughty here. Just an assortment of carefully chosen pix that make me look better than I do in real life.
My great-great-grandfather led an interesting life. His stint in the Union army during the American Civil War is recorded in detail in the diaries and letters transcribed here. After the war, he became a partner of Rowland H. Macy in a little mercantile venture he'd started up. There he met the woman who became his wife ... as well as becoming an executive in Macy's store. (How I wish she'd kept detailed diaries!) This is a work in progress at the moment as I work through the coding.
I've been developing a set of baking recipes designed for making one -- just one -- serving of baked goods. The recipes are embedded in a diary discussing the philosophy and progress of the concept.
Dolls dressed in reproductions of archaeological clothing finds.
A brief illustrated report on my time as guest of honor at OVFF 2002.
The recent rise of a linguistic construction that seems to grate on some people's nerves.
This site belongs to Heather Rose Jones. Contact me regarding anything beyond personal, individual use of this material.
Unless otherwise noted, all contents are copyright by Heather Rose Jones, all rights reserved.