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By Heather Rose Jones, copyright © 1992, 2004, all rights reserved
Reading through Medieval Welsh literature, it’s striking how real a lot of the dialogue sounds. This isn’t just a matter of good translators – the original language has the same feel. And there are some really great lines in there. Relatively few people add medieval languages to their persona play, but a big reason for that is a lack of accessibility. This is a condensed version of a larger project that’s still in progress. The first version appeared in issue #1 of my Welsh research journal, Y Camamseriad in 1992. The version published here was edited for a class presented in the Spring of 2004.
Most people do not go to the extreme of learning the language that their persona would have spoken, and even if they did, there would be few opportunities to use it in conversation. But it is well within the realm of practicality to learn a few phrases - greetings, interjections, etc. - that can add color to your persona and perhaps whet your appetite for exploring the language further. That is the purpose of this article: not to try to teach Welsh, but to provide some useful and entertaining phrases.
The majority of phrases presented here are taken directly from quoted conversations in the medieval Welsh tales collectively known as the Mabinogi. These are followed by a code in parentheses indicating which story each is taken from. (See the bibliography for the key.) In a few cases, I have supplemented these with parallel constructions presenting slightly different meanings. The spelling of the examples has been edited somewhat so that the correct pronunciation can be obtained using the pronunciation rules of Modern Welsh – it isn’t within the scope of this article to teach pronunciation. In some cases, particular words may not be consistent throughout the text -- think of it as dialectal variation. It should be noted that many of these phrases would sound rather funny to a speaker of Modern Welsh.
A Note on Yes and No: Conversations will often include yes/no questions so it is worth discussing a peculiarity of Welsh: it has no exact translations for these words. An affirmative answer is normally made by using the appropriate form of the verb used in the question, a negative one by prefacing this with na/nag (na before consonants, nag before vowels and 'h'). Thus the answer to Oes llys heddiw? (Is there a court today?) is either Oes. (There is.) or Nag oes. (There is not.) and then proceeding into other details of the situation. It is generally not proper to omit this and plunge right into Ym mhen dau awr. (In two hours.) for example. Another example would be: Gweli ti'r arglwyddes racco? (Do you see the lady yonder?) Gwelaf (I see.) or Na welaf. (I don't see.) The tales, however, also use the interjection ie similarly to "yes" in some cases (other times it might be better translated as "well" and is something of a meaningless conversational filler). An example is Ie, mi a tebygaf. (Yes, I suppose so.) where the verb of the question is not repeated in the answer.
These are just examples. One could substitute any appropriate title, relationship or name.
A unben.
O chieftain/lord!
(to one of unknown rank) (PPD)
A unbennes.
O lady! (to one of
unknown rank)
O Lord! (to one of
known rank) (PPD)
O Lady! (PPD)
A wyrda.
goodmen/nobles! (PPD)
A forwyn.
O maiden! (PPD)
A facwy.
O lad/squire!
Arglwydd frawd.
(My) lord brother
A Dduw!
O God!
A frenin.
O king!
A frenhines.
O queen!
A dywysog(es).
O prince(
A farwn(es).
O baron(
A was.
O lad/boy!
A enaid.
O friend!
These run the gamut from simple hellos to formal welcomes. It is worth noting that a simple croeso is still "welcome" in modern Welsh.
Dydd da
Good day to you
(singular). (PPD)
Bore da iti.
Good morning to you.
Nos da
Good night to you.
Dydd da
Good day to you
(plural). [and similarly]
Dydd da
iti, Arglwyd.
Good day to you,
Lord. (MFM)
Henpych gwell.
May you be well.
Da yw
gennyf dy weled
I'm glad to see you
(singular). (PPD)
Da yw
gennyf eich gweled
I'm glad to see you
Croeso wrthyt
y gennyf i.
You are welcome with
me. (PPD)
Croeso Duw
wrthyt, enaid.
God's welcome to
you, friend. (PPD)
Duw a ro
da it, a chroeso
God give you good,
and welcome to you (singular). (MFM)
Duw a roddo
da iwch, a
chroeso wrthywch.
God give you good,
and welcome to you (plural). (BFL)
Croeso Duw
wrthunt. Gellwng y
mywn wy.
God's greeting to
them. Let them come in. (MFM)
Of course, unless the person you are speaking to also knows a smattering of Welsh, the questions won't be particularly productive....
Ny wn
i pwy wyt
I don't know who you
are. (PPD)
A dywedy di
imi pwy wyt?
Will you tell me who
you are? (PPD)
I will tell [you].
Pwy eu
henw wy?
What is their name?
Pwy dy
enw di?
What is your name?
[name] wyf
I am [name].
Mae yr enw?
What is the (i.e.
his/her) name? (PPD)
[name] mae
He is [name].
[name] mae hi.
She is [name].
Pan doi di?
Whence come you?
A pha wlad
yd hanwyt titheu
And from what land
do you come? (PPD)
O [place - lenited].
From [place].
Beth a fynnho
What does he
wish/want? (BFL)
Beth a fynnhych
What do you
(singular) want?
Beth a fynnhoch
What do you (plural)
Pa chwedlau yssydd
What news is this?
What's up? (MFM)
Pa derw yti?
What has befallen
you? (MFM)
A wyt iach
Are you well? (MFM)
Various goodbyes and parting statements.
Duw a rwyddhao
God speed you. (PPD)
Trig yn iach.
Stay well. (PPD)
Dilestair fyd
dy hynt, ac ni rusia ddim
May your path be
unhindered and may nothing hinder you. (PPD)
Y ymdeith yd af
I will leave. (PPD)
Y ymdeith yd af
i, gan dy
ganniad ti.
I will go, with your
permission. (PPD)
Minheu a af
yn llawen
I will go gladly.
Several of these work best as introductions to another phrase.
Os da genhyt
If you please
(singular). (BFL)
Os da genhwch
If you please
Ponyd oedd
da i ti
Would it not be well
for you [to ...] (PPD)
Ponyd oedd
iawn inni ...
Would it not be
better for us [to ...] (MFM)
Yr mwyn y gwr
mwyhaf a geri ...
For the sake of the
man you love the most ... (PPD)
Er mwyn
y wraig mwyhaf a geri ...
For the sake of the
woman you love most ...
Er mwyn
beth mwyhaf a geri ...
For the sake of what
you love most ...
Gan dy
ganiad ti.
With your
permission. (PPD)
Diolwch y Duw.
Thanks to God. (PPD)
Y mynnych ti.
As you desire (PPD)
Digon yw
gennyf i.
It is enough for me.
Iawn yw
it y warando.
It is proper [for
you] to hear him. (PPD)
Moes yw
genhym ni, Arglwydd.
It is a custom with
us, Lord. (MFM)
Yr hyn a allaf
i, mi a'e gwnaf.
What I am able to
do, I will do. (MFM)
Ny wn i amgen no'm
I don't know but
that I am. (As far as I know I am.) (MFM)
A few phrases in the imperative.
Behold there. (PPD)
Behold here.
Weldi racco.
Look yonder! (BFL)
Weldi yma.
Look here!
Edrych beth
yssyd allan.
See what is outside.
Ymwerendewch yn
Listen well. (PPD)
Gofynnwch iddi.
Ask her. (BFL)
Gofynnwch iddo.
Ask him.
Gofynnwch imi.
Ask me.
Taw di bellach.
Be silent a little
longer. (MFM)
Dos y eistedd.
Go and sit down.
Arho fi!
Wait for me! (PPD)
Gwna oed
a mi.
Make an
appointment/date with me. (PPD)
Gwna yn
Do it gladly. (PPD)
Canys dechreueist,
Since you started,
finish it! (PPD)
Moes fy
Fetch me my horse!
Cerdda rhagod.
Go forth! (MFM)
A oes cynghor
o'r byd am hynn?
Is there any advice
in the world about this? (PPD)
Mae ych cynghor
What is your
(plural) advice? (BFL)
Mae dy gynghor
What is your
(singular) advice?
Ni a gymerwn gynghor.
We will take
counsel. (BFL)
Mi a wn gynghor
I know good advice.
Cynghor iawn
yw hwnnw.
That is proper
advice. (PPD)
Iawnhaf yw
That is most
fitting. (PPD)
Pa gerdded yssydd
arnat ti?
What errand do you
have? (PPD)
Negessawl wyf
I have a request of
you. (PPD)
Eirchad wyf
a'm neges a wnaf.
I am a suitor and I
will do my errand. (PPD)
Gwna yn
Do it gladly. (PPD)
Croeso wrth
dy neges.
Welcome to your
errand. (PPD)
Beth yw dy
arch di?
What is your
request? (PPD)
By ryw neges
yw yr eiddaw ef?
What sort of errand
is his? (BFL)
By ryw neges
yw yr eiddot ti?
What sort of errand
is yours? (singular)
Wrthyt ti
y mae fy neges i.
My errand is with
you. (singular) (PPD)
I erchi iti
y dodwyf.
I have come to
beseech you. (singular) (PPD)
I erchi arch iti
y dodwyf.
I have come to beg a
boon of you.
Arglwydd, ae
gwell y gwna neb fy neges i
wrthyt ti no mi fy hun?
Lord, would anyone
perform my errand to you as well as I myself? (MFM)
Pa arch bynnog a erchych di imi,
hyd y gallwyf y gaffael, iti y bydd.
Whatever boon you
ask of me, so far as I can get it, it shall be yours.
Cymeint ac a ercheist,
o'r a fo i'm meddiant iti
a'y ceffi.
As much of what you
asked as is at my command you shall have. (PPD)
Os arch gyfartal a erchi imi, yn
llawen ti a'e ceffi.
If you ask of me a
reasonable boon, gladly shall you have it. (PPD)
Arch didraha yw
That is a modest
request. (PPD)
Ti a'e ceffi.
You shall have it.
Ti nas ceffi.
You shall not have
Hawdd yw
genhyf gaffel hynny, cyd tybycych
na bo hawdd.
It is easy for me to
get/accomplish that, though you would think it is not easy. (CO)
Hawdd yw
It is easy for me.
Mi a baraf.
I will arrange [it].
Minheu a baraf.
I myself will
arrange [it]. (MFM)
Minnheu a wnaf
hynny yn llawen.
I will do that
gladly. (PPD)
A chwari di
Will you play 'gwyddbwyll'? (BR)
A chwari di
Will you play a game?
Yes, I will play.
Chware, os
Play, if you wish.
Teg oedd
i'r gwr a wnaeth y cam, dodi y gorff yn fy
It is right for the
man who did the wrong to fight me. (adapted from MFM)
Ni chymellaf inheu
ar neb fyned i ymladd.
I will not compell anyone to fight. (MFM)
Mi a dodaf fy
nghorff yn erbyn yr eiddo yn llawen.
I will fight him
gladly. (Lit. "pit my body against his") (MFM)
Mi a dodaf fy
nghorff yn erbyn yr eiddot yn llawen.
I will fight you
gladly. (MFM)
Y rhwng yll
deu y mae yr oed hwnn.
This meeting is
between you two. (adapted from PPD)
A segur y digon
pawb ohonoch fod.
And let all (the
rest) of you stand back. (PPD)
Y deuthum i
i chwarae a'th teulu.
I have come to play
with your war-band. (PE)
Gwaharddd dy
wyr, os da
Call off your men,
if you please! (BR)
Och arglwydd,
dy nawdd! A thi a geffi a fynnych.
Alas, lord, mercy!
And you shall have what you wish. (GE)
Ti a geffi nawdd.
You will get mercy
(literally "protection"). (GE)
Arho, mi a diosglaf
yr arfeu.
Stay, I will take
off the armor. (PE)
Briwedig wyf.
I am bruised. (PPD)
Enain ysydd
raid imi.
I need a bath. (PPD)
Some of these are fairly content-free, swear-to-God types of phrases. Characters are constantly prefacing statements with Yrof a Duw! for emphasis. [Note: The traditional translation of this phrase is "Between me and God!" which makes little sense to me. I have developed a theory that this phrase should actually be translated as "For my sake and God’s!", which theory I presented in a conference paper, and I have used that translation here.
God knows! (PPD)
Y rof i
a Duw.
For my sake and
God’s (PPD)
Oy a duw.
Oh God. (PPD)
I Duw y dygaf
fy gnhyffes.
I make my confession
to God. (I confess to God.) (PPD)
Diolwch y Duw.
Thanks to God. (PPD)
Oi a fab
Oh, Son of God.
Dial Duw arnaf.
God's vengeance on
me. (PPD)
Duw a dalho
it dy gydymdeithas.
God will repay you
for your friendship. (PPD)
Duw a dalho
it dy ymgeledd.
God repay you for
your loving care. (MFM)
Duw a fo
nerth it.
May God be your
strength. (PPD)
And a few that don't take the name of God in vain ....
Yn llawen.
Gladly. (PPD)
Na chapla di
Don't blame me.
Llawer damwein
a digawn bod.
Many a chance may
yet befall. (PPD)
Diryfedd oedd
That wasn't strange.
Meuyl im.
Shame upon me. (PPD)
Gwae fi
o'm ganedigaeth.
Woe that I was born.
Mefyl ar
fy maryf i.
Shame on my beard.
Many of these questions may be used rhetorically.
Why? (PPD)
Pa ystyr yw
What does that mean?
Ae diogel
Is that certain?
Beth ysydd yma?
What is this/here?
Beth ysydd yna?
What is that/there?
Beth yw hynn?
What is this?
Beth yw hynny?
What is that? (BFL)
Beth a ellir wrth
What can be done in
the matter? (PPD)
Pa gyfranc fu hynny?
What tale was that?
(What was the story behind that?) (PPD)
Beth a wnant wy
What are they doing
there? (BFL)
Beth dybygi di
yw hynny?
What do you suppose
that is? (BFL)
Beth ysydd yn
y boly hwnn?
What is in this bag?
Beth ysydd yn
a cawl hwn?
What is in this
Beth ysydd yn
y diod hon?
What is in this
Pwy biewynt
Whose are they?
Pwy bieu
Whose is this?
A oes gennwch
chwi chwedleu?
Do you (pl.) have
news? (BFL)
A chwedleu genhwch?
Do you (pl.) have
news? (BFL)
Mae genhym ni
chwedleu ryfedd.
We have strange
news. (BFL)
A welewch chwi
ddim namyn hynny?
And did you see
anything besides that? (BFL)
Llyma oll.
Here is the whole
(of it). (PPD)
Llyma fy
atteb i iti.
Behold my answer to
you. (PPD) [A preface to a longer tale.]
I will tell (you).
Ie, mi a dybygaf.
Yes, I suppose so.
Llyna beth
That is something marvellous. (BFL)
Mi a baraf.
I will arrange [it].
Minheu a baraf.
I myself will
arrange [it]. (MFM)
Minnheu a wnaf
hynny yn llawen.
I will do that
gladly. (PPD)
Nag ef.
Not so. (PPD)
No. (only for past
tense questions)
Na wn.
I don't know. (GE)
Pa achaws na
ddywedy di wrthyf i?
Why aren't you
speaking to me? (PPD)
(Possibly because you're asking the question in Welsh!)
Ae felly y mynnu
di, arglwyd?
Is that your wish,
lord? (PPD)
Ae cyscu
yd wyt ti?
Are you asleep?
(I take no responsibility for the result if you actually use this.)
Nac ef,
mi a gyskeis, a phan doethost ti i
mewn mi a deffroeis.
Not so, I was
asleep, but when you came in I awoke. (PPD)
A was, pa deryw iti?
Lad, what happened
to you? (What's wrong?) (MFM)
Paham? Beth a weli di arnaf
Why? What do you see
on me? (What seems wrong?) (MFM)
Meddylio yd wyf.
I am thinking. (MFM)
Mi a wn dy
feddwl di.
I know your thought.
(I know what you're thinking.) (MFM)
Taw, enaid, a'th
Be silent, friend,
with your sighing. (MFM)
Nyt o hynny
y gorfyddir.
It may not be
overcome that way. (That won't do any good.) (MFM)
Mi a dynghaf dynghed
I will swear a
destiny/curse on him. (MFM)
Aed a'i
mynho, nyd af i.
Let him go who will,
I will not go. (PPD)
PPD = Pwyll Pendefig Dyfed
BFL = Branwen ferch Llyr
MFL = Manawydan fab Llyr
MFM = Math fab Mathonwy
BR = Breuddwyd Rhonabwy
CO = Culhwch ac Olwen
GE = Gereint fab Erbin
PE = Peredur fab Efrog
Bromwich, Rachel & Evans, D. Simon. Culhwch ac Olwen. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1988.
Evans, J. Gwenogvryn ed. Llyfr Gwyn Rhydderch. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1973.
Jones, Gwyn and Jones, Thomas. The Mabinogion. London: J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1974. ISBN 0-460-11097-7 "MJ"
Richards, Melville. Breudwyt Ronabwy. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, 1980. ISBN 0-7083-0270-X
Thomson, Derick S. Branwen uerch Lyr. Dublin: The Dublin Institute for Advance Studies, 1961.
Thomson, R. L. Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet. Dublin: The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1957.
Williams, Ifor. Pedeir Keinc y Mabinogi. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru (University of Wales Press), 1982.
This site belongs to Heather Rose Jones. Contact me regarding anything beyond personal, individual use of this material.
Unless otherwise noted, all contents are copyright by Heather Rose Jones, all rights reserved.