The Sheperds Purse: Tapestry - Repas Champetre

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From Tournai, from the end of the 15th c. A group of shepherds and shepherdesses appear to have been joined by a few well-dressed men and women for a picnic on the grass. Most, although not the best-dressed, of the company wear pouch-belts, most plain but some with attachments. To wit:


A well-dressed man immediately accompanying the best dressed woman wears no pouch-belt, only a regular belt.
A man with "middle rank" dress, pouring wine, has no belt visible, and a pouch-belt would be expected to be visible.
Two men wearing "middle rank" dress wear what might be a pouch-belt with a zigzag finish to the lower edge. In one case, it is brown and otherwise unornamented. In the other case it is white, has a brown stripe along the lower edge, has a long fipple-flute stuck under it, and it is associated with a knife(?) and some other object that may be attached to it.

A man wearing lower-middle rank clothing wears a white pouch-belt with a line along the lower middle possibly indicating a flap. Along the top edge (not clear whether attached or not) is a brown (leather?) belt around which are three rings from which hang a small knife in sheath and a round box (the third is unused).

A bagpiper in the distance, wearing lower rank clothing, may be wearing a pouch-belt, but this is unclear because his arm is in the way.

Two smaller male figures in the foreground (boys?) are wearing white pouch belts with a line along the lower middle and no attachments.


The best dressed woman (wearing gold brocade) wears no belt of any type.
Four women wearing low-to-middle class dress wear plain white pouch-belts with the line but no attachments.

A fifth woman, in the background, may be wearing a similar pouch, but it is mostly hidden behind something she is carrying. Another woman separated from the diners is sitting and spinning and wears a plain pouch similar to the above.

Two smaller female figures in the foreground (girls?) wear plain white pouch belts with the line but no attachments.


Les Fastes de la Tapisserie du XVe au XVIIIe Siècle. 1984. Institut de France. Musée Jacquemart-André, Paris. Plate 3 (plus detail on p.15)